module Wybor
( select
, selections
, Wybor
, fromAssoc
, fromTexts
, fromIO
, HasWybor(..)
, TTYException(..)
#ifdef TEST
, pipeline
, module Ansi
) where
import Control.Exception (try)
import Control.Lens hiding (lined)
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Resource (MonadResource, runResourceT)
import Data.Conduit (Source, Conduit, (=$=), ($$))
import qualified Data.Conduit as C
import Data.Char (isSpace)
import Data.Data (Typeable)
import Data.Foldable (Foldable, toList)
import Data.Function (on)
import Data.List (sortBy)
import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty)
import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NonEmpty
import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..), (<>))
import Data.Sequence (Seq, (><))
import qualified Data.Sequence as Seq
import Data.Sequence.Lens (seqOf)
import Data.Text (Text)
import qualified Data.Text as Text
import Prelude hiding (unlines)
import qualified System.Console.ANSI as Ansi
import Score (score, Input(..), Choice(..))
import qualified Score
import TTY (TTY, TTYException)
import qualified TTY
import Zipper (Zipper, focus, zipperN)
import qualified Zipper
import Ansi
select :: Wybor a -> IO (Either TTYException (Maybe a))
select c = try . runResourceT $ selections c $$ C.await
selections :: MonadResource m => Wybor a -> Source m a
selections = TTY.withTTY . pipeline
data Wybor a = Wybor
{ _alts :: Alternatives (NonEmpty (Text, a))
, _conf :: Conf Text
} deriving (
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 708
, Typeable
alts :: Lens (Wybor a) (Wybor b) (Alternatives (NonEmpty (Text, a))) (Alternatives (NonEmpty (Text, b)))
alts f x = f (_alts x) <&> \y -> x { _alts = y }
conf :: Lens' (Wybor a) (Conf Text)
conf f x = f (_conf x) <&> \y -> x { _conf = y }
data Alternatives a
= Static a
| Dynamic (IO (Maybe (Maybe a)))
instance Functor Alternatives where
fmap f (Static a) = Static (f a)
fmap f (Dynamic k) = Dynamic (fmap (fmap (fmap f)) k)
data Conf a = Conf
{ _visible, _height :: Int
, _initial, _prefix :: a
, _focused, _normal :: a -> a
} deriving (Typeable)
class HasWybor t a | t -> a where
wybor :: Lens' t (Wybor a)
visible :: Lens' t Int
visible = wybor.conf. \f x -> f (_visible x) <&> \y -> x { _visible = y }
height :: Lens' t Int
height = wybor.conf. \f x -> f (_height x) <&> \y -> x { _height = y }
initial :: Lens' t Text
initial = wybor.conf. \f x -> f (_initial x) <&> \y -> x { _initial = y }
prefix :: Lens' t Text
prefix = wybor.conf. \f x -> f (_prefix x) <&> \y -> x { _prefix = y }
focused :: Lens' t (Text -> Text)
focused = wybor.conf. \f x -> f (_focused x) <&> \y -> x { _focused = y }
normal :: Lens' t (Text -> Text)
normal = wybor.conf. \f x -> f (_normal x) <&> \y -> x { _normal = y }
instance HasWybor (Wybor a) a where
wybor = id
fromTexts :: NonEmpty Text -> Wybor Text
fromTexts = fromAssoc . fmap (\x -> (x, x))
fromAssoc :: NonEmpty (Text, a) -> Wybor a
fromAssoc = fromAlternatives . Static
fromIO :: IO (Maybe (Maybe (NonEmpty (Text, a)))) -> Wybor a
fromIO = fromAlternatives . Dynamic
fromAlternatives :: Alternatives (NonEmpty (Text, a)) -> Wybor a
fromAlternatives xs = Wybor
{ _alts = xs
, _conf = defaultConf
defaultConf :: Conf Text
defaultConf = Conf
{ _visible = 10
, _height = 1
, _prefix = ">>> "
, _initial = ""
, _focused = \t -> Text.concat [swap, t, unswap]
, _normal = id
pipeline :: MonadIO m => Wybor a -> TTY -> Source m a
pipeline w tty = do
pos <- prerenderUI w tty
sourceInput (view alts w) tty =$= renderUI tty pos w
sourceInput :: MonadIO m => Alternatives (NonEmpty (Text, a)) -> TTY -> Source m (Event a)
sourceInput (Static p) tty = do yieldChoices p; loop where loop = keyEvent tty loop
sourceInput (Dynamic io) tty = interleaving
interleaving = liftIO io >>= \case
Nothing -> let loop = keyEvent tty loop in loop
Just Nothing -> keyEvent tty interleaving
Just (Just p) -> do yieldChoices p; keyEvent tty interleaving
keyEvent :: MonadIO m => TTY -> Source m (Event a) -> Source m (Event a)
keyEvent tty c = TTY.getKey tty >>= \case
Nothing -> c
Just k -> case parseKey k of
Nothing -> return ()
Just Nothing -> c
Just (Just e) -> do yieldKeyEvent e; c
yieldChoices :: MonadIO m => NonEmpty (Text, a) -> Source m (Event a)
yieldChoices = C.yield . Left . AppendChoices
yieldKeyEvent :: MonadIO m => KeyEvent -> Source m (Event a)
yieldKeyEvent = C.yield . Right
type Event a = Either (GenEvent a) KeyEvent
newtype GenEvent a = AppendChoices (NonEmpty (Text, a)) deriving (Show, Eq, Functor)
data KeyEvent =
| Abort
| Down
| Up
| Clear
| DeleteWord
| DeleteChar
| AppendChar Char
deriving (Show, Eq)
parseKey :: TTY.Key -> Maybe (Maybe KeyEvent)
parseKey = \case
TTY.Ctrl 'J' -> Just (Just Done)
TTY.Ctrl 'D' -> Nothing
TTY.Ctrl 'N' -> Just (Just Down)
TTY.ArrowDown -> Just (Just Down)
TTY.Ctrl 'P' -> Just (Just Up)
TTY.ArrowUp -> Just (Just Up)
TTY.Ctrl 'U' -> Just (Just Clear)
TTY.Ctrl 'W' -> Just (Just DeleteWord)
TTY.Bksp -> Just (Just DeleteChar)
TTY.Ctrl 'H' -> Just (Just DeleteChar)
TTY.Print c -> Just (Just (AppendChar c))
_ -> Just Nothing
newtype Choices a = Choices
{ unChoices :: Seq (Text, a)
choices :: Iso (Choices a) (Choices b) (Seq (Text, a)) (Seq (Text, b))
choices = iso unChoices Choices
data Query a b = Query
{ _matches :: Maybe (Zipper (a, b))
, _input :: a
} deriving (Show, Eq)
matches :: Lens' (Query a b) (Maybe (Zipper (a, b)))
matches f x = f (_matches x) <&> \y -> x { _matches = y }
input :: Lens' (Query a b) a
input f x = f (_input x) <&> \y -> x { _input = y }
handleEvent :: Choices a -> Query Text a -> KeyEvent -> Maybe (Either a (Query Text a))
handleEvent c s = \case
Done -> Just (maybe (Right s) Left (done s))
Abort -> Nothing
Down -> Just (Right (down s))
Up -> Just (Right (up s))
Clear -> Just (Right (clear c))
DeleteChar -> Just (Right (deleteChar c s))
DeleteWord -> Just (Right (deleteWord c s))
AppendChar x -> Just (Right (append s x))
done :: Query a b -> Maybe b
done = preview (matches.traverse.focus._2)
down :: Query a b -> Query a b
down = over (matches.traverse) Zipper.right
up :: Query a b -> Query a b
up = over (matches.traverse) Zipper.left
clear :: Choices a -> Query Text a
clear c = fromInput c mempty
append :: Query Text a -> Char -> Query Text a
append s x = fromInput (Choices (seqOf (matches.folded.folded) s)) (view input s |> x)
deleteChar :: Choices a -> Query Text a -> Query Text a
deleteChar c = maybe (clear c) (fromInput c . fst) . unsnoc . view input
deleteWord :: Choices a -> Query Text a -> Query Text a
deleteWord c = fromInput c . view ( (Text.dropWhileEnd (not . isSpace) . Text.stripEnd))
fromInput :: Choices a -> Text -> Query Text a
fromInput c q = Query { _matches = view ( (computeMatches q)) c, _input = q }
fromNothing :: Wybor a -> Query Text b
fromNothing c = Query { _matches = Nothing, _input = view initial c }
computeMatches :: Foldable f => Text -> f (Text, a) -> Maybe (Zipper (Text, a))
computeMatches "" = Zipper.fromList . toList
computeMatches q = Zipper.fromList . sortOnByOf choiceScore (flip compare) Score.positive . toList
choiceScore = score (Input q) . Choice . fst
sortOnByOf :: (Foldable f, Ord b) => (a -> b) -> (b -> b -> Ordering) -> (b -> Bool) -> f a -> [a]
sortOnByOf f c p = map fst . sortBy (c `on` snd) . filter (p . snd) . map (\x -> (x, f x)) . toList
prerenderUI :: MonadIO m => Wybor a -> TTY -> m Int
prerenderUI c tty = do
row <- TTY.getCursorRow tty
let offset = max 0 (linesTaken c (TTY.winHeight tty row))
replicateM_ offset (TTY.putLine tty)
return (row offset)
renderUI :: MonadIO m => TTY -> Int -> Wybor a -> Conduit (Event b) m b
renderUI tty p c = rendering (Choices Seq.empty) (fromNothing c)
rendering cs s = renderQuery tty c p s >> C.await >>= \case
Nothing ->
Just (Left (AppendChoices xs)) ->
f = NonEmpty.filter (\x -> Score.positive (score (Input (view input s)) (Choice (fst x))))
cs' = over choices (>< Seq.fromList (toList xs)) cs
s' = over matches (maybe (Zipper.fromList (f xs)) (Just . Zipper.append (f xs))) s
rendering cs' s'
Just (Right e) -> case handleEvent cs s e of
Nothing -> cleanUp
Just (Left x) -> do cleanUp; C.yield x; rendering cs s
Just (Right s') -> rendering cs s'
cleanUp = TTY.clearScreenBottom tty
renderQuery :: MonadIO m => TTY -> Wybor a -> Int -> Query Text b -> m ()
renderQuery tty c top s =
liftIO . TTY.withHiddenCursor tty $ renderContent tty top (columnsTaken c s) (content tty c s)
renderContent :: TTY -> Int -> Int -> Text -> IO ()
renderContent tty x y t = do
TTY.moveCursor tty x 0
TTY.putText tty t
TTY.moveCursor tty x y
content :: TTY -> Wybor a -> Query Text b -> Text
content tty c = review lined
. map (text . unline . clean . line . decorate c . unline . expand tty c . line) . items c
data Item s = Plain s | Chosen s | Prefix s deriving (Functor)
item :: (s -> a) -> (s -> a) -> (s -> a) -> Item s -> a
item f _ _ (Plain s) = f s
item _ g _ (Chosen s) = g s
item _ _ h (Prefix s) = h s
text :: Item s -> s
text = item id id id
lined :: Iso' Text [Text]
lined = iso Text.lines (Text.intercalate "\n")
line :: Item Text -> Item [Text]
line = fmap (view lined)
expand :: TTY -> Wybor a -> Item [Text] -> Item [Text]
expand tty c = \case
Plain xs -> Plain (compose h w xs)
Chosen xs -> Chosen (compose h w xs)
Prefix xs -> Prefix (compose 1 w xs)
compose x y xs = take x (map (crop w y) (map notabs xs ++ repeat ""))
notabs = Text.replace "\t" (Text.replicate 8 " ")
w = TTY.winWidth tty
h = view height c
crop :: Int -> Int -> Text -> Text
crop w n = Text.pack . go 0 . Text.unpack
go k (x : xs) = let k' = k + wcwidth x in if k' <= n then x : go k' xs else replicate (w k) ' '
go k [] = replicate (w k) ' '
foreign import ccall unsafe "wybor_mk_wcwidth" wcwidth :: Char -> Int
clean :: Item [Text] -> Item [Text]
clean = fmap (map (\l -> l <> Text.pack Ansi.clearFromCursorToLineEndCode))
decorate :: Wybor a -> Item Text -> Item Text
decorate c (Plain xs) = Plain (view normal c xs)
decorate c (Chosen xs) = Chosen (view focused c xs)
decorate _ (Prefix xs) = Prefix xs
unline :: Item [Text] -> Item Text
unline = fmap (review lined)
items :: Wybor a -> Query Text b -> [Item Text]
items c s = take (view visible c + 1) $
Prefix (view prefix c <> view input s)
: maybe [] (zipperN (view visible c) combine . fmap fst) (preview (matches.traverse) s)
++ repeat (Plain "")
combine xs y zs = map Plain xs ++ [Chosen y] ++ map Plain zs
linesTaken :: Wybor a -> Int
linesTaken c = view visible c * view height c + 1
columnsTaken :: Wybor a -> Query Text b -> Int
columnsTaken c s = lengthOf (beside (prefix.each) (input.each)) (c, s)