{-# LANGUAGE DataKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | Lastfm tag API
-- This module is intended to be imported qualified:
-- @
-- import qualified Network.Lastfm.Tag as Tag
-- @
module Network.Lastfm.Tag
  ( getInfo, getSimilar, getTopAlbums, getTopArtists, getTopTags, getTopTracks
  , getWeeklyArtistChart, getWeeklyChartList, search
  ) where

import Network.Lastfm.Request

-- | Get the metadata for a tag
-- Optional: language
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getInfo>
getInfo :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getInfo = api "tag.getInfo"
{-# INLINE getInfo #-}

-- | Search for tags similar to this one. Returns tags ranked by similarity, based on listening data.
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getSimilar>
getSimilar :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getSimilar = api "tag.getSimilar"
{-# INLINE getSimilar #-}

-- | Get the top albums tagged by this tag, ordered by tag count.
-- Optional: 'limit', 'page'
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getTopAlbums>
getTopAlbums :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getTopAlbums = api "tag.getTopAlbums"
{-# INLINE getTopAlbums #-}

-- | Get the top artists tagged by this tag, ordered by tag count.
-- Optional: 'limit', 'page'
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getTopArtists>
getTopArtists :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getTopArtists = api "tag.getTopArtists"
{-# INLINE getTopArtists #-}

-- | Fetches the top global tags on Last.fm, sorted by popularity (number of times used)
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getTopTags>
getTopTags :: Request f (APIKey -> Ready)
getTopTags = api "tag.getTopTags"
{-# INLINE getTopTags #-}

-- | Get the top tracks tagged by this tag, ordered by tag count.
-- Optional: 'limit', 'page'
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getTopTracks>
getTopTracks :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getTopTracks = api "tag.getTopTracks"
{-# INLINE getTopTracks #-}

-- | Get an artist chart for a tag, for a given date range.
-- If no date range is supplied, it will return the most recent artist chart for this tag.
-- Optional: 'from', 'to', 'limit'
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getWeeklyArtistChart>
getWeeklyArtistChart :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getWeeklyArtistChart = api "tag.getWeeklyArtistChart"
{-# INLINE getWeeklyArtistChart #-}

-- | Get a list of available charts for this tag, expressed as
-- date ranges which can be sent to the chart services.
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.getWeeklyChartList>
getWeeklyChartList :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
getWeeklyChartList = api "tag.getWeeklyChartList"
{-# INLINE getWeeklyChartList #-}

-- | Search for a tag by name. Returns matches sorted by relevance.
-- Optional: 'limit', 'page'
-- <http://www.last.fm/api/show/tag.search>
search :: Request f (Tag -> APIKey -> Ready)
search = api "tag.search"
{-# INLINE search #-}